
Little House

Introduced the kids to Laura Ingalls Wilder yesterday. We talked about how her family moved in a covered wagon to several Midwestern states, found them on the map, and then made our own covered wagon with pool noodles.  

Projects and Art

  Lung and art projects!

Exploring Drum Sounds


Crafts & Fun

  Just a few pictures of the crafts we have been doing and our stop at the beach below the dam.


  This year we are attempting to introduce the kids to the Jewish holidays. We are not doing the full-blown versions, just getting a taste for now. We are inviting friends to learn with us.  Last week, we had a "Sukkot" party. We decorated the pavilion, talked about how the Jewish people celebrate Sukkot and what this feast means to us as Christians. We made edible sukkahs, and talked about the symbolism, involved, and had a meal together outdoors. We even got a chance to try blowing a shofar. Makaylee seems to have a talent for horns! 

Rosh Hashanah

  We learned about Rosh Hashana last week, the Feast of Trumpets. We made shofars and played some games.


  We found some simple to make puppets today! Much puppet show fun ensued!